39 mental health deaths from unnatural causes - CQC report
Thirty-nine people with mental health conditions have died of unnatural causes in the past year according to the new CQC report: Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2018/19. The report says:
- Services must apply human rights principles and frameworks. Their impact on people should be continuously reviewed to make sure people are protected and respected.
- People must be supported to give their views and offer their expertise when decisions are being made about their care.
- People who are in long-term segregation can experience more restrictions than necessary. They also may experience delays in receiving independent reviews. This is particularly true for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
- People do not always get the care and treatment they need. Some services struggle to offer appropriate options, both in the community and in hospital.
- It is difficult for patients, families, professionals and carers to navigate the complex laws around mental health and mental capacity.
DRUK CEO Kamran Mallick says: “It is deeply disturbing that this number of people can die from unnatural causes while under Community Treatment Orders or in specialist facilities. We know that the mental health system in this country is in crisis. We know there is nowhere near enough service provision, both in the community, and in specialist facilities. This report, highlighting a shocking amount of denial of basic human rights for those with mental health conditions, should be a wake up call to Government to boost these critical services, now.”
Read the report here: https://www.cqc.org.uk/publications/major-report/monitoring-mental-health-act-201819