Ground-breaking public consultation on proposals for a better benefits system
A ground-breaking public consultation on proposals for a better UK social security system has been launched with all solutions beingdeveloped by those with direct experience of the system.
Following a call for solutions for a better benefits system which received over 1000 responses, the public is being asked what it thinks about the ideas.
The public consultation is being led by the Commission on Social Security – all Commissioners are Experts by Experience who have lived experience of the benefits system.
Ideas in the proposals include:
- Establishing a Guaranteed Decent Income so everyone has a secure, reasonable amount of money coming i
- Getting rid of the benefit cap
- Raising Child Benefit to £50 per child per week
- Ending zero hours contracts
- A social model approach to disability benefit
Ellen Clifford Co-Chair of the Commission on Social Security and disability activist said:
“Too often the people who design welfare policies do not have first-hand experience of the lives of those their policy aims to serve. This project is different; placing the experiences and understandings of those in direct contact with the system at its centre.
We had a brilliant response to the Call for Solutions and we’re excited to launch this public consultation to get the public’s view on the ideas. The public consultation will feed into a ‘White Paper’ which will offer a transformational alternative to the current benefits system.”
Input is invited from anyone interested in improving the benefits system: Experts by Experience, user-led groups and claimants, think tanks and charities, policy-makers and the general public. Following the public consultation, a ‘White Paper’ with policy recommendations will be drawn.
To respond to the public consultation, visit the Commission's dedicated website.
The consultation closes on 30 September 2020.
See also Disabled people asked to help to design a social security system of dignity, respect and trust available from