Statutory sick pay extended to those who are shielding as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic


New regulations have been relating to statutory sick pay entitlement for those who are 'shielding' as a result the Coronavirus pandemic.

The regulations came in to force from 16 April 2020.

The new rules provide that those who are deemed to be incapable of work by reason of Coronavirus, can also include someone who –

is defined in public health guidance as extremely vulnerable and at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus because of an underlying health condition; and

has been advised, by notification sent to, or in respect of, that person in accordance with that guidance, to follow rigorously shielding measures for the period specified in the notification.

The guidance is that issued by:

The Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 can be found at