Response to open letter 'COVID-19 and the rights of disabled people'
The National Medical Director and Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England have responded to an open letter on the subject of COVID-19 and the rights of disabled people of which DR UK is a supporter and signatory.
The response, received by Baroness Jane Campbell, was signed by Professor Stephen Powis and Ruth May, respectively the National Medical Director and Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England and NHS Improvement. A PDF of the letter is available from the dowloads section below, and the text of the letter is reproduced below.
Dear Baroness Campbell,
COVID-19 and the rights of disabled people
The NHS endorses and fully supports the principles set out in this letter. They mirror the NHS Constitution which is clear that we should deliver care and support in a way that achieves dignity and compassion for each and every person we serve.
Decisions about the best course of action, treatment and care pathway are always made between a patient and their clinicians, and the NHS will always seek to fully protect the rights of people with disabilities, now and throughout the course of this global pandemic.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Stephen Powis, National Medical Director, NHS England and NHS Improvement
Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England and NHS Improvement
If you would like to add your name to the COVID-19 and the rights of disabled people letter, please complete this form. As of midday on 6 April, over 1740 have signed.