New style ESA can now be claimed online


New-style employment and support allowance (NSESA) can now be claimed online, the DWP has said.

NSESA may be ciaimed if you are ill or have a health condition or disability that limits your ability to work.

NSESA is a fortnightly payment that can be claimed on its own or at the same time as Universal Credit

It is a contributory benefit. Normally, this means you may be able to get it if you’ve paid or been credited with enough National Insurance contributions in the 2 full tax years before the year you’re claiming in.

In new guidance, the DWP has confirmed today that as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, new-style NSESA can now be claimed where – 

  •  a person, or their child, thinks they have coronavirus or is recovering from it;]
  • a person, or their child, is self-isolating because they came into contact with someone who might have coronavirus;
  • a person has been told to stay at home for at least 12 weeks by the NHS because you’re at high risk of severe illness.

The new guidance also says that a claim for NSESA can now be made online.

For more information, see ‘New Style’ Employment and Support Allowance: detailed guide from