DWP and Post Office new cash delivery option to help those shielding because of coronavirus infection risk


Cash delivery payments are now available “for the most vulnerable individuals”  due to a Post Office and DWP partnership initiative.

The new cash delivery option has initially been made available to those Post Office Card Account customers who are shielding at home and are the most at risk from the virus.

The cash payments are available to the DWP to use to support their most vulnerable customers, initially in England, who are shielding because of the risk of infection should they leave their home.

The National Shielding Service is a working partnership with DWP that enables contact to be made with specific customers to determine if they need to receive a cash payment to be delivered.

When notified by DWP of those individuals who require a cash delivery, the Post Office will ensure cash is sent to their home using Royal Mail Special Delivery and that it arrives by 9pm the following day.

This means that those individuals who must avoid leaving the home because of the risk of infection receive the cash that they need.

The Post Office has repurposed part of its foreign exchange cash delivery business to enable the overnight delivery of sterling cash and meet demand.

Postal Affairs Minister, Paul Scully, said:

“This vital service will ensure the Government can get cash to people that need it, without them having to leave their homes. I want to thank postmasters and their teams for their continued hard work to support our communities across the UK.”

The new cash delivery option has initially been made available to those Post Office Card Account customers who are shielding at home and are the most at risk from the virus.

Earlier this week, the Post Office announced details of two its access to cash products – ‘Fast PACE’ and ‘Payout Now’ had been made available to the UK’s banks, building societies and credit unions. These products can be offered to their customers who are self-isolating and require cash.

The Post Office is considering how to make its new cash delivery service available to the UK’s financial institutions and who can offer it to their customers.

Post Office customers can see how coronavirus may affect Post Office services on its website and can find the latest information on the Post Office Card Account and branch opening hours on its Branch Finder.

For more information see Post Office launches new cash delivery option to help the most vulnerable available from corporate.postoffice.co.uk.