DR UK recommends no reduction in the number of social security tribunal panel members


DR UK has responded to a consultation Sir Ernest Ryder Senior President of Tribunals to amend the composition rules of the Social Entitlement chamber of the First-tier Tribunal.

The amended rules would allow for a tribunal to be presided over by a single judge sitting alone in certain defined circumstances.

The Social Entitlement Chamber hears appeals relating to ESA, PIP and other social security benefits.

In general, tribunals relating to most social security benefits are heard by a single judge.

However, the principle exceptions to this are appeals relating to ESA and PIP. For the former, appeals are heard by a Judge and a medical panel member, and for the latter both of these with the addition of a disability panel member.

In our response, DR UK highlights that disabled people are the main users of the SSCS and, under the present First Tier Tribunal panel make-up, achieve a high rate of success in challenging DWP decisions relating to their PIP and ESA entitlement.

Therefore any proposal to reduce the number of First Tier Tribunal Panel members to a single judge might potentially adversely affect disabled people the most.

We stress that it is often the oral evidence of disabled claimants, obtained and weighed by a three or two person First Tier Tribunal, that allows for their case to be expertly and justly determined.

The Senior President of Tribunals consultation document is available @ judiciary.uk.

Download DR UK’s response to the Senior President of Tribunals consultation.