DRUK AGM and Conference set for 20 November, London
DRUK Chief Executive Kamran Mallick invites all members to attend the Disability Rights UK AGM and Conference on Wednesday 20 November at Resource for London.
The day will run from 10.30am to 4pm with the theme of this year's Conference being the role of technology.
At a time when technology is playing an increasing role in all of our lives, we’ll be exploring how it can both include and exclude us. Through a series of presentations and group discussions we will explore how technology can address the barriers we experience.
The AGM will run from 1.30 to 2.30pm. Voting members can get involved by attending the AGM, asking questions and voting on the issues outlined on the AGM agenda.
Members have been sent an AGM booking form. To secure your place at the AGM, this needs to be returned by 12 November.
Members who are unable to attend can vote for trustees by post by using the voting form which has been sent out to them and returning it to us no later than 18 November, voting by proxy by giving their vote to someone who is attending the AGM, or by submitting questions on our annual report and accounts by 12 November.
For copies of the relevant member documentation, to submit questions or to vote, please email members@disabilityrightsuk.org or write to: