Law change needed to tackle disability pay gap
Workers’ union UNISON is calling for laws for companies with over 50 people to have to take action on the disability pay gap. Analysis by the TUC shows that one in two disabled people of working age who could work have a job, compared to 4 out of 5 non-disabled people. Disabled people are paid 15% less on average which equates to an average of £3,000 less pay per year.
DRUK Researcher Evan Odell, who spoke at UNISON’s Disabled Members’ Conference said: “The TUC’s analysis not only shows that disabled people are earning less per hour-of-work on average than non-disabled people, but they have shown how the pay gap cuts across all different impairment groups, and how it particularly impacts disabled women. Disabled people earn less per hour than non-disabled people, work fewer hours, and to make matters worse, have higher costs-of-living than non-disabled people.” UNISON is calling for a change in law so companies have to publish details of their pay gaps. #smashthedisabilitypaygap #druk