Employers: time to get Disability Confident?


The Government's Disability Confident scheme is celebrating its third anniversary. 7.6 million disabled people are of working age in the UK. If you're not confident employing disabled talent, you can bet your competitors are. With over 15,000 organisations in membership, the scheme helps businesses to recruit from the widest pool of talent, better reflect their client and customer bases, understand the needs of disabled employees, challenge attitudes to disability, and ensure that disabled people can fulfil their potential and realise their career ambitions. 

Want to understand what disability confidence means? Find out here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/disability-confident-how-to-sign-up-to-the-employer-scheme

Disability Rights UK offers acclaimed Disability Confidence training courses, for both individuals, and businesses. For details on these, see https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/training/disability-confidence-training or email anna.fahy@disabilityrightsuk.org.