Pathways from poverty: The future of the DWP


This new Demos report sets out how institutions beyond the DWP could deliver employment support to ill and disabled people.

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Report recommendations

  • Devolved assemblies should gain full responsibility for providing employment support to ill and disabled people.
  • Local authorities and NHS trusts should gain full responsibility for delivering welfare-to-work programmes for ill and disabled people for a trial period.
  • The DWP should explore new commissioning models which move beyond a 'payment-by-results' approach for third sector organisations.
  • Government should exempt those in the ESA WRAG group from conditionality.
  • Government should introduce a 'three strikes’ warning system before sanctions are applied for Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants.
  • The DWP should launch a ‘co- production unit’ committed to involving these techniques in the delivery of their services.
  • The DWP should trial awarding groups of ill and disabled people shared ‘personal budgets’ for co-designed employment support.