Exploring the potential of Disabled people as Foster Carers
Shaping Our Lives and the University of Worcester are working together to research why there are not more Disabled people as foster carers and what can be done about this.
Part of DRILL project Mutual benefits: The Potential of disabled people as foster carers
We think that many Disabled people have not thought about becoming a foster carer or have thought they would not be able to foster. However, Disabled people have parenting and life skills that are very relevant to being a foster carer and there is currently a shortage of foster carers.
Please come to our event where we will hear about experiences of Disabled foster carers, discuss the process of becoming a foster carer, put aside some of the myths and look at the potential barriers.
Date of event: Tuesday 16th April
Time: 2 - 4pm (arrival is from 1.30pm for a 2pm start)
Venue: Whitworth Suite, Unity 12, 9-19 Rose Road, Southampton SO14 6TE
Travel: We can offer reasonable travel expenses for Disabled people who attend the event
Access: Please advise us of any access requirements prior to the event
Who should come?
- Disabled people who have experience of being a foster carer
- Disabled people who have tried to become a foster carer but were not successful
- Disabled people who are interested in becoming a foster carer or just want to learn more about fostering
This project is a partnership between Disabled researchers, Disabled people with lived experience of fostering and researchers from the University of Worcester. There will also be staff from Hampshire Fostering Service available to answer questions.
If you would like to attend please contact Becki Meakin at becki@shapingourlives.org.uk or call 07956 424511.
Numbers are limited and places will be offered on a first come first served basis, so please contact us as soon as possible.