Combining WCA and PIP assessments: What does it mean?


Amber Rudd recently made a statement about moving the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) for Employment and Support Allowance and Universal Credit (UC), and the PIP assessment services into one service from 2021.

Read our response

North Wales Live has asked the DWP what this means in practice and received the following answers:

  • The one service does not refer to the assessments themselves, but to information shared for both assessments
  • A single computer system will be used by both assessments, so claimants do not have to do separate information submissions
  • the majority of recipients of the various disability benefits will continue to have separate assessments -  but the government is going to carry out a small-scale pilot to "explore the viability of a single assessment" for Work Capability Assessments (WCA) and PIP assessments.
See also: