Call for evidence on the Claimant Commitment


As part of its independent work programme, the Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) is conducting research into the Claimant Commitment.

Go to the consultation

Closing date: 16 April 2019

SSAC are trying to gather a pool of evidence on which it can draw from to help underpin our research.

This research aims to build a better understanding of how effective the Claimant Commitment is in terms of supporting people into work or progressing in work. They are also interested in whether Claimant Commitments, by setting out clear expectations of what actions are needed in returns for benefit payments, help build trust in the welfare system.

The focus of this research is on claimants in the all-work related activity conditionality group, including those with potential restrictions on their work abilities but are still deemed to be suitable for this conditionality group. For example, people with caring responsibilities or a disability