New Universal Personalised Care Model launched


This model has been developed collaboratively with partners from across national and local government, and organisations from across health, care, voluntary and community-based sectors, as well as with people with lived experience.

Universal Personalised Care: Implementing the Personalised Care Model

Deputy CEO Sue Bott says:

“DR UK are very pleased to have had the opportunity of contributing to the development of the personalised care model building on the experiences of all those disabled people who have fought for independent living over the years. 

“Today represents a significant milestone in bringing the right for us to have choice and control over the support we receive to the NHS. Of course, as with social care, we will have an uphill battle to get personal budgets and direct payments, but the point is the tools are now there and the personalised approach is now official NHS policy. 

“I congratulate James Sanderson (who has been able to bring his extensive ILF experience to the NHS) and his team for today’s launch.”

The NHS Long Term Plan announced personalised care as one of the five major, practical changes to the NHS that will take place over the next five years. Today’s launch gives us both the model and the resources to realise our ambition of 2.5m people benefitting from personalised care by 2023/24.

Universal Personalised Care outlines 21 actions that build on progress made in areas already delivering the Comprehensive Model for Personalised Care. These include introducing quality standards and increased metrics to demonstrate impact, developing workforce skills and working with Royal Colleges to update their curriculums. Each of these require collaborative work with our partners.

Personalised Care will benefit up to 2.5 million people by 2024, giving them the same choice and control over their mental and physical health that they have come to expect in every other aspect of their life. Universal personalised care: Implementing the Comprehensive Model confirms how we will do this by 2023/24. It is the action plan for the rolling out personalised care across England.