Our funding HE factsheet for disabled students has been updated


Funding higher education for disabled students 2019/20

If you’re going to study a higher education course at college or university, you may need funding to cover tuition fees, living costs and disability-related costs.

This factsheet tells you about the financial support that is available and where to apply for it. It covers undergraduate higher education courses, including:

  • a first or Bachelor’s degree
  • an undergraduate Master’s degree
  • a Higher National Diploma (HND) or Higher National Certificate (HNC)
  • a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE), a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ 4 or 5) linked with a degree or other job-related courses
  • most foundation degrees.

Although tuition fees have increased since 2012, there is plenty of support available to lessen the cost and you don’t need to pay for the course up front. Read more in our factsheet on Funding higher education for disabled students 2019/20

More ways we can help you

Need help? Call our Disabled Students Helpline

Telephone: 0330 995 0414

Opening hours: 11am-1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Email: students@disabilityrightsuk.org



Disabled Students Helpline - 0330 995 0414