Fuel Poverty Awareness Day


Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 15 May 2019 - is a nationally recognised day to raise awareness of fuel poverty and the importance of living in a warm and safe home.

The day is coordinated by End Fuel Poverty Coalition (EFPC) member, National Energy Action (NEA) and concludes the Warm and Safe Homes Campaign.

4 million UK households are in fuel poverty and living in cold, damp and unsafe homes. The effects of such can be detrimental to people’s health, quality of life and wider communities. This includes negative impacts to physical and mental health, increased social isolation, poorer educational attainment and reduced economic productivity. Our health services spend £3.6 million every day treating the effects of fuel poverty and 15,000 of the 50,100 excess winter deaths last year were attributed to cold homes.

Show your support on social media using the hashtags #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay and #WarmSafeHomes. Make sure you are following the EFPC (@EndFuelPoverty) to keep updated!

Read and share NEA’s Warm and Safe Homes Action Guide available to download

View NEA's videos on fuel poverty and heating your home

The End Fuel Poverty Coalition

The End Fuel Poverty Coalition is a broad coalition of anti-poverty, environmental, health, trade union and consumer organisations working to eradicate fuel poverty. We believe that everybody has the right to a warm, dry home that they can afford to heat and power.

Disability Rights UK is a member of the coalition.

 End Fuel Poverty Coalition