Jodey Whiting failed by DWP says inquiry


Mother of disabled daughter, Jodey Whiting, calls for DWP officials to be prosecuted over their failings.

BBC news report

Justice for Jodey petition

Jodey Whiting killed herself after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) suspended her benefit because she missed a work capability assessment.

An inquiry by the Independent Case Examiner found that the DWP failed five times to follow its own safeguarding rules in the case of Jodey, who had had a long history of mental distress.

To make matters worse, the DWP continued to phone Jodey’s number after her suicide because the DWP has no system to alert staff that a claimant has died.

The DWP has been ordered to apologise and pay £10,000 compensation. The DWP said it accepted the findings.

The First Do No Harm Lobby Event, held at Parliament on 13 February 2019 considered ways to reduce the ‘appalling damage’ caused by the government’s much criticised “fitness for work” assessment and other welfare reforms.