Calling all organisations who support disabled people to employ personal assistants


Opportunity for charities to become authorised advisors to EU citizens applying to settle in the UK.

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The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) has launched a new scheme for charities and other organisations to apply more quickly to become registered advisors to EU citizens when they apply to settle in the UK.

The scheme is aimed at smaller, community-based charities and other organisations, including faith-based and local advice groups.

Successful applicants will be able to provide basic ‘level 1’ advice (solely on EU settlement), without needing to complete the written exam, which is usually part of the application process.

The streamlined process will allow applications to be considered more quickly, with decisions expected 4 to 6 weeks after receipt.

Many disabled people employ EU citizens as personal assistants. 

They will need to apply to settle in the UK.  The scheme is not as simple to complete as the Press has suggested.  Many people will need help and support to apply. 

Your organisation could help by becoming an authorised advisor to EU citizens wanting to settle in UK.