DFID Direct Scheme for Advisers
The Department for International Development (DFID) is launching the 5th round of the DESA scheme.
This is an excellent opportunity to join DFID on a permanent basis and progress an advisory career in international development. The scheme enables DFID to offer recruits the opportunity to develop into effective DFID advisers in their chosen field of expertise. The three-year DESA programme combines development placements (for 1 year) in DFID’s office, based in East Kilbride, Glasgow and overseas (for the following 2 years) with coaching and other structured learning. There is one placement available in Whitehall, London for this DESA intake for a Climate and Environment DESA. At the end of the three-year development programme it is expected that successful individuals will take up a permanent DFID Advisory position.
For this round DFID are looking for DESA’s for the following professional cadres; Climate and Environment, Conflict, Education, Governance, Humanitarian, Infrastructure, Livelihoods, Private Sector Development and Social Development.
To find out more about DESA please visit our website.
To apply please go the Civil Service Jobs.
Closing date for applications: 11th September 2019