Can Co-Production help in getting disabled people active?
As a lead up to Co-production Week, Leanne Wightman, coordinator of Get Yourself Active blogs getting disabled people to lead healthier lifestyles.
The fourth annual Co-production Week and Festival. 1 - 5 July 2019. The theme for 2019 is 'Sharing Power'. Co-production: "Designing, delivering and evaluating services in equal partnerships with people who use services and carers - Nothing about us without us" #coproweek
Get Yourself Active is a partnership led by Disability Rights UK, funded by Sport England and delivered by Leicester Centre for Integrated Living, Cheshire Centre for Independent Living, Inspire Peterborough, Disability Equality North West, Active Independence and Disability Sheffield Centre for Independent Living. We aim to work with the health, social care and sports sectors to develop better opportunities for disabled people to get active. We believe that it is your right as a disabled person to be active in a way that is right for you and using your personal budget if you wish.