CQC voices concerns on end of life nursing care


Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at CQC appeared on BBC news last night speaking on palliative care.

Andrea, interviewed by BBC News Health Editor Hugh Pym, spoke on palliative care and voiced of concerns that there are inconsistencies in nursing home care that could easily include end of life care and why that can be. Read more of Andrea’s comments in this BBC news online piece.

From our inspection work, we recognise that the provision of high quality end of life nursing care is an important choice and need for people, their families and carers, living with complex and life-limiting conditions. With the number of people aged over 85 in England predicted to grow by 36% from 1.5 million to 2 million between 2015 and 2025* – the reality is this will continue to become even more of an important issue and so, the sustainability of high quality care has never been so vital. 

As our State of Care report published in October demonstrates; people’s experiences of nursing home care, including end of life provision, can vary across the country meaning that consistently high-quality, person-centred care is not the reality for everyone.