Ageless Thanet 50+ Festival


Disability Rights UK in partnership with Volunteering Matters manned a stand for GOGA Thanet to promote the volunteering opportunities within the project, including the Peer Mentor Scheme

The 50+ Festival brings together the best of what Thanet has to offer. Ageless Thanet, working in partnership with a huge number of fantastic people and organisations, aims to promote a wide range of fun and exciting activities and experiences.

Volunteering Matters support GOGA at Ageless Thanet festival

Ageless Thanets 50+ festival has been built up over the past 4 years to become one of the biggest events locally for organisations and services to interact with local people and get their message out there.  Volunteer Matters and Disability Rights UK used the opportunity to  promote the GOGA project and specifically to promote volunteering roles within Thanet. The Thanet locality has many current volunteering roles including social media, administrative and of course the DRUK Peer Mentor scheme.

Young volunteers speak to Visitors about Getting Out and Active

There was lots of interest and we look forward to dealing with the enquiries coming in as a result of the event.  A massive thanks to Elin from Volunteer Matters for travelling from Birmingham to help make the event such a success, it’s always great to work with such amazing patterners all contributing towards the aims of the GOGA project.

DR UK giving local Mayor information on Peer Mentoring

The event helped to continue to get the message out there and to grow the project into the final year of delivery, we even gave a short interview on local radio station Academy FM live at the event to talk briefly about the GOGA project both nationally and locally.

Sarah Johnson (Peer Support Lead) being interviewed by Academy FM

If you would like further information on the Peer Mentor scheme and how it can help to fulfil your project aims then just drop me a line at

Thanks to all those who helped on the day, especially Elin from Volunteering Matters

Disability Rights UK and Get Out Get Active