Tell us what support disabled apprentices need


Removing barriers to starting or finishing apprenticeships.

Disability Rights UK have been seeking to define and achieve an inclusive apprenticeship. An inclusive apprenticeship is flexible enough to accommodate the specific needs of all disabled people.

Three years ago, the Maynard review led to the requirement for everyone to have or to study for GCSE English and Mathematics replaced for people with a learning difficulty by a requirement to achieve an industry standard appropriate and relevant to the job.

In January 2017 further changes in the interests of people with a hearing impairment meant that British sign language could have the same status as GCSE English.

Now DR UK want to explore and identify what other reasonable adjustments are required to support apprentices or potential apprentices with other conditions. We will use your responses to assist us in our preparations for a meeting we will be having with the Minister for Skills Anne Milton MP early in July.

Please send your responses to by June 30th, 2018.