Disabled Facilities Grant application forms not freely available in England


Survey finds that about half of local authorities in England do not make Disabled Facilities Grant application forms freely available.

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Key findings included:

  • The law imposes strict timescales for the processing Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) – but if local authorities withhold the application form, they can deny individuals their right to apply for a grant and stop the ‘clock ticking’ for the purposes of the statutory timescales.
  • As the research report notes, a failure to make forms available is not only frustrating the will of Parliament (para 5.02) it is also frustrating the will of the Government, which has increased significantly the relevant grant to local authorities for DFG awards (para 2.15-2.17);
  • Given the prevalence of the problem identified by the research it suggests that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government should use his powers to ensure that failing local authorities act in accordance with the law and relevant guidance (para 5.11).

The Research was funded by the disabled children’s charity Cerebra and undertaken by students at the School of Law, Leeds University under the supervision of Professor Luke Clements with support from the Access Committee for Leeds a Disabled People’s Organisation with national expertise in home adaptations.

For further information contact Professor Luke Clements (project lead) L.J.Clements@leeds.ac.uk or David Everatt (Head of Advocacy & Casework) david@everattproperties.co.uk