DRUK responds to supported housing consultation


Disability Rights UK has responded to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and DWP consultation on supported housing.

View consultation and policy statement

View DR UK response in pdf

A 2010 DWP report suggested that around three in four of those living in supported accommodation were disabled people (25% had a learning disability, 42% had a physical disability, and 5% had a significant mental health problem).

This means that any change to the current supported housing funding model will most directly affect disabled people.

In DR UK’s response to an earlier 2016 consultation we strongly opposed its proposals as a move from a system that supports disabled people’s rights, entitlement and choice to a discretionary system.

However, the latest consultation instead proposes a very different funding model proposed for supported housing for those with learning or physical disabilities or mental ill health.

DR UK strongly supports the revised proposal that 100% of housing costs will be funded through the current welfare system subject to the application of existing housing benefit/universal credit rules.

But in considering any future cost control and service provision issues we say that disabled people must be widely consulted and their voice heard. 



Supported Housing Response 2018

Supported Housing Response 2016