A timely meeting with Wates Group for I Can Make It


I Can Make It to help Wates Construction in its use of social value.

On Wednesday 7th February Our Policy and Development Manager Philip Connolly along with Michael Paul, Head of Advice and Information and Leo Capella, I Can Make Its Campaign Project Coordinator met with Josh Steiner Sustainability Manager of the Wates Group at our offices in Plexal.

It was a productive meeting with lots of information exchanged. As a result of it, we’re looking forward to helping Wates Construction with including people with disabilities in the way that they use social value.

 A timely development, given an upcoming backbench debate organised with Lisa Cameron MP, Chair of the All Parliamentary Party Group on Disability on tackling the disability employment gap which will be held on Thursday 22nd February.

We hope that Members of Parliament from all political parties attend the debate and consider our innovative approach as part of any solution that is debated.

We also hope that Members of Parliament will consider asking councillors and mayors etc in their constituencies to consider pledging political support for opening up job opportunities with people at our flagship job pledging event for people with disabilities, I Can Make A Pledge that is being held on Tuesday 20th March .

Pledges can be made in advance of the event or on the day. So please either send an e-mail to: icanmakeapledge@disabilityrightsuk.org  or call us on 0330 995 0400 for more information.