Westminster Briefing event - Wednesday 21st February 2018
Only half of disabled people are in work. To combat this, the government has announced a new strategy to ensure more disabled people are employed. Improving Lives: The Future of Work, Health and Disability outlines the government’s aims to break down employment barriers for disabled people and people with long term health conditions over the next 10 years.
This timely Westminster Briefing event gave a comprehensive overview of the government’s plans to get a million more disabled people into work, as well as enabling attendees to learn from good practice case studies.
Key Issues Addressed
- Comprehensive overview of the government’s new disability employment strategy
- How is the strategy different from previous initiatives and what does it mean for disabled people?
- Update on the Work and Health Programme and its impact on disabled people
- Job readiness: ensuring disabled people are fully prepared for the workplace
- The role of Jobcentre Plus in delivering tailored support
- Making sure disabled people find roles that are appropriate and contain the right level of support
- Helping employees return to work after a period of long term illness
- The expansion of Disability Employment Advisors and new Community Partners and their role
- Building skills through part-time work, training and apprenticeships
- Exploring best practice in disability employment
- Working in partnership: Collaborative joined up working with local partners, local authorities, charities and employers
Philip Connolly, Policy and Development Manager, Disability Rights UK was one of the speakers at the event. You can download his presentation Disability Rights UK: keeping it real