Disability Rights UK named as charity of the year
We are pleased to announce that British Friendly has made Disability Rights UK it’s Charity of the Year for 2018.
British Friendly is a leading financial services provider that was founded in 1902 and has headquarters in Bedford. As a mutual Society it is managed and run for the benefit of its members.
DR UK delivered disability confidence and awareness training to the British Friendly team in early 2017 in order to support the organisation’s aims of improving skills and understanding of its workforce around disability issues. This was well received and so the society began considering supporting a disability cause more formally.
As part of the Charity of the Year initiative the society have made a donation to support the ongoing work of DR UK and will also be taking part in a number of fundraising initiatives throughout the year.
Click here to find out more about British Friendly. If your organisation is interested in supporting the work of Disability Rights UK please email jason.jaspal@disabilityrightsuk.org