Getting Connected: The challenges of being empowered in Work


Introducing a blog on Access to Work written by one of our I Can Make It champions.

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We’re steadily making progress at I Can Make It, including with Hertfordshire County Council where we’re working on some exciting developments that we still can’t wait to tell you about. We’re also looking forward to meeting with Tony Meggs, Chief Executive of the Infrastructure Projects Authority (IPA), next week to persuade him and the IPA of why social value should be used to create new job opportunities for young people with disabilities. 

Anna Denham, Research and Engagement Officer for I Can Make It and Bethany Young, Champion for I Can Make It Hertfordshire, in Front of County Hall on Tuesday 13th June. We’ve made a lot of progress with Hertfordshire County Council since then…

However, this week we’d like to reintroduce Bethany Young who is the Champion for I Can Make It in Hertfordshire and has been featuring a lot in our recent updates, representing the campaign at Hertfordshire County Council and most recently at Transport for London. She’ll also be appearing with our Research and Engagement officer Anna Denham at the East of England Local Government Association Procurement and Commissioning Master Class in Mid-October where they’ll be talking about our partnership with Hertfordshire County Council.

Bethany has written a very interesting blog about Access to Work, a scheme to support disabled people in work, which I Can Make It and Disability Rights UK are trying to raise awareness of, given the relatively low amounts of people who use it. This is mainly through Disability Rights UKs policy team, but also through other opportunities such as our champions writing blog posts for us. So, Bethany, our blog space is your blog space… please take it away!