DR UK holds first Get Yourself Active learning event


Disability Rights UK and partners are holding a series of events across the country to share the learning from the Get Yourself Active (GYA) project.

A good turnout for our first GYA learning event

Project partners will share their experiences of developing better opportunities for disabled people to be more active.

They will highlight their success through partnership work with disabled people’s user led organisations, social care, health and sport sector organisations.

The first event is being held in Manchester today.

Sign up to a GYA learning event near you

If this is your area of work, why not sign up for an event near you

Get Yourself Active is a partnership led by Disability Rights UK, funded by Sport England and delivered by Leicester Centre for Integrated Living, Cheshire Centre for Independent Living, Inspire Peterborough, Disability Equality North West, Active Independence and Disability Sheffield Centre for Independent Living. We aim to work with the health, social care and sports sectors to develop better opportunities for disabled people to get active. We believe that it is your right as a disabled person to be active in a way that is right for you and using your personal budget if you wish. You can find out more on our Get Yourself Active website