Department for Transport Accessibility Action Plan events


Accessibility Action Plan Consultation: Events October – November 2017 - bookable through ‘Eventbrite’

The Department for Transport published its draft Accessibility Action Plan (AAP) for public consultation on 24 August 2017.

The AAP includes 48 different actions, including proposals for increasing the availability of accessible toilets on trains, improving the availability of parking for blue badge holders, and introducing a legal requirement for audio-visual announcements on buses.

There are also 15 standalone consultation questions seeking views and ideas for future policy development. 

Opportunities to share your views

The Department for Transport is running related events for interested parties to come and discuss the draft Plan. These are listed below.

If you would like to attend please book via the link provided, or contact the email address below for further information. Please note that spaces are limited at some events, and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. All venues are accessible.

Bristol - 4   October   14:00 - 16:30 (a few spaces available)

Surrey - 6   October   10:00 – 15:00

Leeds - 11 October   10:00 - 15:00

Leeds  - 31 October   10:30 – 15:30

Surrey - 2 November  10:30 – 13:00 (Workshop 1 - am)

Surrey - 2 November  14:00 – 16:30 (Workshop 2 - pm)

If you should have any specific requirements please would you email the Department beforehand so that we can advise the venue.

Further information please email:

Disability Rights UK response to the Accessibility Action Plan

We are asking members to give us your comments and views on the Action Plan to inform our own response to the consultation. If you would like to do this, please respond to us by Friday 27 October 2017.