DR UK CEO attends Disability Summit in Blackpool
DR UK CEO Kamran Mallick was welcomed to the North West on Friday 6th October to the Disability Summit organised by Blackpool based Disability First.
In a keynote speech to a large group which involved disabled people service providers, police force representatives and members of local authorities, Kamran spoke about his journey through life and his role as Disability Rights UK (DR UK) CEO and underpinned the message of the day that ‘Partnership and Communication’ is key to the disability movement surviving the current damage done to society and social structure by austerity.
Disability First CEO Alan Reid knows of the importance of working with statutory bodies, and his work over many years with DR UK Ambassador Stephen Brookes was mentioned as being important in giving a national and regional voice to their work.
Stephen says that he is proud to be part of the work done by Disability Rights UK and particularly feels that his work on Hate Crime and involvement in accessible transport is boosted by being able to share the best practice model from around various parts of the UK.
During the course of the day, and over lunch, Kamran met with many of the delegates and was able to speak about the importance of being a pan disability national voice with contacts in the corridors of power whilst working with groups and organisations from around the UK.