Social care system fails young disabled adults


Public embarrassed, as charity uncovers thousands of young disabled adults stuck in older people’s care homes.

England’s social care system is failing thousands of younger disabled adults who are living in older people’s care homes, warn the MS Society and Care and Support Alliance (CSA) today in a new report - End the Care Crisis stories

These homes were never designed for them and can’t meet their needs, and a new survey of 2,000 UK adults reveals the extent of the public’s concern:

  • Six out of 10 (61%) say they are ‘embarrassed’ by the way our country treats its disabled adults
  • Three quarters (75%) say they would be scared for their future if they needed care themselves
  • Eight in 10 (79%) want the government to urgently fix the social care system, and respondents ranked it the second most important issue facing our Government

Tell the government: we need action

DR UK is a member of the Care and Support Alliance.

Together, we’ve already reached 90% of all MPs in England with our emails about the care crisis. Thank you!

Now 80 other charities are helping keep up the pressure. 

Sign our joint petition to end the care crisis

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