Leadership Academy Programme holds year three graduation ceremony
The Leadership-Academy Programme saw their 'Delegate Graduation' on 11th May 2017, which was another great success.
Alick Mackenzie, from our partners Enabled City Ltd, was a keynote speaker at the event.
Graduation Ceremony Certificates were presented by Vidar Hjardeng MBE, Diversity Consultant for ITV News.
With many people in attendance; we were privileged to see all our delegates collect their certificates and look forward to starting their new Leadership journey.
Within the duration of the training, we have already seen one of our Delegates receive a promotion. We are always very pleased to be a part of the delegates leadership aspirations and it is truly evidence of the benefits gained by attending the program, when we see these outcomes so immediately.
LAP is very different to many leadership programmes and its edge, is in the way it has been developed, to meet the needs of employees living with long term health conditions or a disability. This training is designed to transform the way that they themselves and their employers, perceive their disability, drawing on their skills and day to day ability to approach their work and encouraging them to develop and rely on these, in order to reach their leadership aspirations.
The combination of the actual content, their learning environment with Disability Rights UK, the fact that they can learn outside of their place of work, which allows them to explore their disability, among others who have similar and different experiences to share and finally the support from our organisation and that of very keen and experienced mentors, ensures that our delegates excel comparatively.
We are currently recruiting for the new cohort starting in November 2017. If you would like more information? Please contact katrina.morris@disabilityrightsuk.org or please visit our website https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/leadership