DWP says that it has no PIP reconsideration refusal target
Following our news article on targets for refusing benefit reconsiderations, the DWP’s press office has contacted DR UK to say that its Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of 80% mandatory reconsideration refusals does not include PIP.
The DWP says that it has no performance indicator for PIP mandatory reconsiderations.
While PIP is excluded from its KPI target it does include Disability Living Allowance and Attendance.
The sources for the Freedom of Information response do not include PIP but are specified as follows –
- RDA/RAA 60209 & 60205 reports for DLA/AA,
- Pensions computer system for Pension Age,
- SAS Business Analytics software for CMG,
- Decision Making and Appeals Case Recorder (DMACR) for Working Age benefits
The DWP says that it will later confirm what other benefits apart from PIP may be excluded from its KPI target.
DR UK has also asked it to confirm why it has no PIP mandatory reconsideration target.
Note: The latest DWP statistics show that despite no KPI target, the level of accepted PIP mandatory reconsiderations is very low.
By the end of January 2017, 85% of new claims reconsiderations and 79% of reassessed DLA reconsiderations for normal rules resulted in no change to the PIP award.
The KPI for mandatory reconsiderations other than PIP is 80% refusals.