Gearing up for ‘I Can Make It Exchange’
We’ve begun sending out invitations for our flagship event ‘I Can Make It Exchange’, to be held on Monday 27th March.
Our confirmed guest speakers for this event so far are:
- James Butler, Social Enterprise UK
- Guy Battle, Social Value Portal and the Social Value Task Force
- Anne Lythgoe (Social Value Leadership Award winner), Salford City Council
- Hugh Chamberlain, CSR Lead, Johnson & Johnson
If you receive an invitation from us - wonderfully designed by our Manchester-based Champion Kathryn Woodhead - do respond as soon as possible and make some travel arrangements to come down to London for what is already shaping up to be an interesting event. If you haven't yet received an invitation and would like to attend, please contact Anna Denham (
Meanwhile our current champions have been assisting us with our efforts to recruit new ones. Charlotte White, our Champion for Bristol, attended the Health & Social Science Fair at the University of West England on Wednesday 1st March as part of this. We have also placed adverts with the University of Leicester Students Union and Nottingham Trent University Students Union Volunteering Pages, amongst others. We will be registering our interest elsewhere, so if you see one of our adverts, do share it with any students you know in those universities and beyond.
This is particularly as we are currently looking for champions to join us in Bristol, Nottingham, Leicester and in Leeds. So, if you are 18-29, have a disability or health condition and live in any one of those areas or any of our other target areas and want to help to improve the career prospects of yourself and other young disabled people, then please get in touch with us on 0207 250 8193 or via