DR UK Personal Budgets Helpline helps get Sarah active


In a new Get Yourself Active blog our Personal Budgets Advisor, Banane Nafeh, tells the story of how she helped Susan secure a Personal Budget for her daughter, Sarah, to take part in outdoor activities including horse riding.

DR UK Personal Budgets Helpline helps get Sarah active

“Sarah’s confidence and stimulus has once again been boosted through her enjoyment in horse riding and gym sessions.”

Read the whole story here.  

Get Yourself Active is a partnership led by Disability Rights UK, funded by Sport England and delivered by Leicester Centre for Integrated Living and Cheshire Centre for Independent Living.

We aim to work with the health, social care and sports sectors to develop better opportunities for disabled people to get active.

We believe that it is your right as a disabled person to be active in a way that is right for you and using your personal budget if you wish.

The Personal budgets helpline telephone and email service at Disability Rights UK is an advice service that is open for individuals and organizations to provide information on Personal budgets as part of the Personalisation agenda. The Advisor on the helpline will explain to you the concept of personal budgets in relation to the care and support services and how to access social care funding in the light of the Care Act. You can use these budgets to help you get active.

Personal Budgets Helpline

Get Yourself Active