New Scottish Independent Living Fund Working Group Report and Recommendations


This paper is the final report of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) Working Group containing its recommendations for Scottish Ministers on the policy to open up the ILF to new users.

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The ILF Working Group is a working group of coproduction partners with an advisory remit, which convened to develop the policy options for opening the ILF to new users in Scotland, with new funding of £5 million committed from Scottish Government to do this.

On Thursday the 29 June 2017, the Minister for Public Health and Sport, Aileen Campbell MSP, announced details of the New ILF Scheme, which will initially focus on supporting transitions for young disabled people, aged 16 to 21.

The new fund announcement was held on 29 June 2017 at Upward Mobiilty in Edinburgh. The new ILF scheme is distinct and separate fund to the existing ILF scheme, which was created when the UK ILF closed in June 2015.