Sign up for the free School for Change Agents


The School for Change Agents is a free, five-week virtual learning course for anyone who would like to make a difference in the world, but doesn’t know where to start.

School for Change Agents starts on Thursday 16th February at 3.30pm (GMT) with a live webinar, and at the same day and time for the following four weeks. If you’re not available on Thursday afternoons don’t worry: every webinar is recorded and available on our website, so you can still get involved.

The course is led by NHS Horizons;  we have been running the virtual School for Health and Care Radicals for the past three years. We have changed the name to the School for Change Agents in response to feedback from our participants. We are coproducing the curriculum with people who have registered for the school, making it truly focused on the needs of health and care staff and patient leaders and the challenges they face.

School for Change Agents is a fantastic way to learn about how to create change, and to meet like-minded people from all over the world. It is more than a school – it is a platform for learning and collaboration. It is completely free, and open to anyone (you don’t have to work in health and social care).

For more information and to enrol: You can also join in the conversation on Twitter: @Sch4Change  #S4CA.

Please do share this information, and the attached promotional material within your networks and with whomever you think may be interested.

If you attend, tell us what thnk about the training - email