I Can Make It welcomes more champions into our fold
It’s so nice to have volunteer champions visit us at Disability Rights UK’s offices in London.
And on Monday three of our champions did just that at an induction day for I Can Make It. They were Amir Pathan, our champion for Leicester, our newest champion for Leeds Clessia Walker and Rahul Tooray a Champion for Birmingham. They were formally welcomed into the campaign and discussed how to take I Can Make It forward in their areas. We gained new insights into how to work with them and some useful information which we can use to move things forward with the campaign.
It would be nice for us to recruit even more champions to join Clessia, Rahul and Amir. We are currently looking for champions in Norfolk, Nottingham and more champions in Leeds. So if you are 18-29, have a disability or health condition and live in any one of those areas or any of our other target areas (for instance Birmingham) and want to help to improve the career prospects of yourself and other young disabled people, then please get in touch with us on 0207 250 8193 or via leo.capella@disabilityrightsuk.org
Also I Can Make It Exchange is in the diary for the 27th of March and invitations are to follow soon. If you don't receive an invitation but wish to attend please e-mail anna.denham@disabilityrightsuk.org expressing why social value and disability in the workplace is of interest to you.
And one more thing, we’ve enjoyed reading the BBC’s Disability Works series of web articles including this article on calls to combat disability discrimination in the work place. As a result, we’d like to remind everyone that Disability Rights UK has a factsheet about the government’s best kept secret tool for combatting disability workplace discrimination: Access To Work. So do look at it and share it around with any people or networks who might be interested