Two meetings with procurement alliances in just over two weeks for I Can Make It.
As ever the holiday weeks aren’t ones when everything goes quiet for I Can Make It.
On Wednesday 19th April, Will Case, I Can Make It Champion for Greater Manchester and Leo Capella, the campaign project co-ordinator went to Sandbach to attend the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA), Heads of Procurement Meeting to present I Can Make It to them. AGMA will be sharing I Can Make It information with key strategic employment focused partners, with whom we will be following up. We would like to thank AGMA for their willingness to share information and hope to co-operate more closely in the future with them.
On Thursday 27th April, Leo and our Head of Advice and Operations, Michael Paul along with our Champion for Essex, Heather Richardson, met with the Procurement Alliance of Essex at Greenfield Housing in Braintree. The team presented on the campaign, focusing on the nuts and bolts of how social value could be applied to create job opportunities for people with disabilities and health conditions.
In the coming weeks, we’re looking forward to some exciting developments with I Can Make It and particularly in the North East of England so please watch this space.
And saving the best to last! If you missed it on Tuesday 25th April, our Champion for Bristol, Charlotte White, participated in a radio show with Bristol Community Radio! This is now available on BCFM’s listen again feature, so if you’ve got some time, please do listen in.