TLAP Care Act survey results published
TLAP Care Act survey for people with care and support needs, and carers
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The TLAP (Think Local Act Personal) Care Act survey explored the impact of the Care Act on the lives of people with care and support needs in 2016 – one year on from implementation of the Care Act in 2015.
Results of the survey, which focussed on aspects of personalisation, suggest that progress has been good in some areas of the Act, but in others, is yet to make a difference.
Sixty-nine percent of the participants said their care and support made a positive difference to their wellbeing and health. Areas of major concern, however, highlighted by the survey were people’s ability to access support, and the variation in their experiences, depending on whether they were funded by the council or self-funded.
There was also a marked difference between council’s perception of Care Act implementation, and the experiences of people and carers directly themselves.
The survey was commissioned by the Department of Health. It was carried out by 1,181 people aged 18 and over. Of these, 391 were people who need care and support themselves, and 643 were carers.
Questions focussed on aspects of personalisation such as ease of access to information and advice, whether advocacy support was offered, people’s experiences of assessment and care planning.