Joseph Rowntree produce new Solve Poverty strategy


Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has published two reports detailing a new strategy to solve poverty in the UK. 

It has produced a five-point plan that will:

  • Boost incomes and reduce costs
  • Deliver an effective benefit system
  • Improve education standards and raise skills
  • Strengthen families and communities
  • Promote long-term economic growth benefiting everyone

The strategy has been developed from four years of investigation into what it would take to solve poverty in the UK.

JRF is calling on national governments, business, communities and individuals to come together and play their part in solving poverty.  JRF are committed to ensuring the strategy can be as influential as possible and hope it will generate action and commitment by those with the power to make a real difference to people and places in poverty across the UK.  JRF hope to kick-start efforts to create a more prosperous society, built on decent living standards with the opportunity for everyone to fulfil their potential.

Disability Rights UK endorses this strategy and is cited in UK Poverty: Causes, costs and solutions.

Download We can solve poverty in the UK

Download UK Poverty: Causes, costs and solutions