Thanks to those who attended the Inclusive Apprenticeships event


Disability Rights UK would like to thank everyone who attended the Inclusive Apprenticeships and Skills Development on October 18th 2016.


Tony Stevens - about DR UK - 18 October 2016

David Hill - Equalities in Apprenticeships: The Department of Employment's Approach

Stuart Edwards - DWP presentation on Access to Work

Claire Hodgkins of Remploy on supporting apprentices

Rundip Thind from DR UK on apprenticeship issues raised by disabled people

Dr Nasser Siabi Chief Executive Microlinkpc on transitions into the workplace

The government is committed to reaching 3 million new apprenticeship starts by 2020 and halving the disability employment gap. This will require extending entry to groups of people not currently engaged including people living with a range of impairments and health conditions. This seminar discussed ideas and shared information on how to make apprenticeships more inclusive for disabled people. 

Tony Stevens, Fundraising Manager of Disability Rights UK spoke about the core work we do, the projects and services we run, the publications, website and values of the organisation.

David Hill, Director of Apprenticeships, DfE spoke of the commitment of the government to make apprenticeships as accessible as possible to all people, who the apprentices are, what is already being done to support disabled people and what they  want to do more in the future, including implementing the recommendations made by Paul Maynard’s taskforce on Access to Apprenticeships for people with learning disabilities.

Stuart Edwards, Access to Work Strategy Lead, DWP explained what Access to Work is, how it is administered and delivered, who  it supports, what the strategic aims are and how people can apply for Access to Work.

In the absence of Claire Hodgkins, Stuart Edwards also talked about the scheme run by Remploy and DWP supporting apprentices with mental health conditions to retain their employment. He explained the referral process, what support looks like, what interventions can be offered and some statistics.

Rundip Thind Education Oficer, Disability Rights UK spoke about the Disabled Student Helpline which provides advice on post 16 education, training and employment including information on applying to FE and HE, apprenticeships, support on courses, funding and welfare benefits.

Dr Nasser Siabi, Chief Executive Microlinkpc spoke about transitions into the workplace, the employment journey, what the problems are and how young people could be helped better, assistive tools, passport to transition and ideas for the future.

Karen Taylor, Equals Employment Advisor at the Integrated Learning Disability Service spoke about the specialist employment team in the Borough of Enfield. It is a person centred service that provides support from pre-employment to in-job support. They liaise with employers, provide individual support plans and help making handbooks in easy- read.

Videos of the event to follow.

Disability and Skills Unit