Taking Charge: Practical help with disability all in one book
A practical guide to living with a disability or health condition
If you have a physical or mental health condition, have just been given a life-changing diagnosis or your health is starting to worsen in later life. 'Taking Charge' is the publication for you.
There is no other existing publication that pulls together in one place your 'rights' to a decent life, with choice and control - giving information on 'what you have a right to expect' from services, education and employment. The guide is intended to complement our ever popular Disability Rights Handbook.
About the guide
The first part of the book deals with planning and managing your life, for instance after an accident or diagnosis, or as life changes.
Then each section deals with an area of life:
- Personal health and social care - including your rights in relation to assessments, personal budgets, support at home, employing a PA, support for carers, NHS treatment
- Technology and equipment - highlighting the vast range of support available, together with contacts for further information and support
- At home - including home options, heating, support available, grants, dealing with hate crime, useful contacts
- Your family - sex, children, adoption, parenting - your rights
- Getting around: travel and mobility - includes booking and planning journeys, travel options - car, coach, rail, tube, guide and assistance dogs, accessible toilets, travel abroad
- Leisure, sport, community activities - Extensive contact resource covering reading and assistive technology, shopping, taking part in fitness and sport activities, sport spectator facilities
- Learning, working, contributing - schools, special educational needs, learning skills, traineeships, supported internships, apprenticeships, volunteering, career planning, getting a job, access to work, employment services, health and work, starting your own business.
We also provide advice for situations when you don’t get what you need or feel you have been subject to discrimination.