Adult social care entering a ‘perfect storm’ says ADASS


Adult social care is entering a ‘perfect storm’ which is impacting on vulnerable people who are getting less help and whose need for care won’t stop, according to new Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) research.

The crisis in social care is evidenced by an ADASS survey which finds projected overspends of almost £0.5 billion, further closures of residential and nursing homes and increased handing back of contracts, together with increased pressure from the NHS.

Councils are planning to use their reserves and other one-off funding to plug the huge gap.

ADASS say that instead urgent and significant government investment is needed now to address funding for the adult care sector.

The situation is made worse by pressures from the NHS.

Some projected overspends, particularly the larger amounts, reflect a reduction in funding from the NHS to social care.

ADASS Immediate Past President Ray James said:

“This survey paints a picture of adult social care verging ever nearer to a point of crisis. The funding gaps are a huge concern for the sector because the impact this is having on the lives of thousands of older and disabled people, their families and carers, is both significant and extremely worrying.

Adult social care is entering a “perfect storm” which is impacting on vulnerable people who are getting less help and whose need for care won’t stop. Urgent and significant government investment is needed now to address funding for the sector, or thousands of people who rely, or hope to rely, on receiving care, will suffer as a result.”

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