Sport England aims to triple investment in tackling inactivity
Sport England has pledged to spend £250 million to combat inactivity as part of its new strategy.
Read the new strategy Towards an Active Nation
More than one in four people in England (28 per cent) do less than 30 minutes of physical activity a week. But research shows that those who do the least activity stand to benefit the most, even if it’s just small changes like gentle jogging, swimming or playing rounders in the park.
As well as continuing to support people who already play sport, there will be a much greater emphasis on groups who are typically much less active such as women, disabled people and those from lower-socio-economic backgrounds.
Our Get Yourself Active Project
Disability Rights UK is in partnership with Sport England to increase the number of disabled people playing sport or to access sporting opportunities via our Get Yourself Active project. We are particularly keen to explore ways to help disabled people on personal budgets.