A New Strategy for Sport: Change of Approach event
Get Yourself Active were invited to attend the A New Strategy for Sport: Change of Approach event which took place last week in Manchester.
We heard from a number of speakers, including Phil Veasey from My Time Active and Barry Horne from EFDS (now known as Activity Alliance) discussing how the sport sector can respond to this new approach.
The government, through the new Strategy for Sport, has called for a shift in focus towards looking at what people actually get out of being active as well as how many people get active and how often. At DR UK we feel this presents a real opportunity for local community organisations, like disabled peoples user led organisations, to work with the local sport sector and ensure that everyone gets the chance to be active in a way that is right for them.
You can take a look at the new Strategy for Sport here and see the DR UK response to the strategy here.
The Get Yourself Active project aims to break down barriers for disabled people who want to be more active, particularly people using personal budgets. We will be launching a new Get Yourself Active website aimed at giving disabled people, health and social care staff and the sport sector information about what is available as well as sharing stories. The website will launch later on in May 2016 so make sure you sign up to our updates to be one of the first to take a look!
Get Yourself Active is run by Disability Rights UK, in partnership with Sport England.