Research into young disabled people’s participation within the Disabled People’s Movement
My name is Miro Griffiths and I am a PhD Researcher at Liverpool John Moores University.
I am currently conducting research into young disabled people’s participation within the Disabled People’s Movement.
I am wondering whether you would like to take part in the study?
I intend to interview fifteen people across the UK who meet the following criteria:
- You identify as a young disabled person, aged between 18-30 and consider yourself interested in the Disabled People’s Movement
- Participants are born and living in the United Kingdom
If you decide to participate, we can arrange an interview that will last up to two hours approximately, at a time and place which is convenient for both of us. Before taking part, I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have and there is an information sheet attached to this letter. There is no requirement for you to participate so if you would rather not be involved then it is absolutely fine and you do not need to contact me at all!
If you have any questions or would like to take part in the study, could you please contact me (details are above).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, Mr Miro Griffiths
If you require the information sheet, consent form or any other material relating to this study, in an alternative format then please contact Miro Griffiths.
Documents are in ‘Word Doc Formats’ to ensure they are accessible to screen reader technology; however, a voice recording of the text can be provided.
Unfortunately, due to resource limitations, Braille and easy read versions are not available; nevertheless, if you require such formats then please contact Miro Griffiths who will discuss your access requirements and attempt to meet them as best as possible.